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DiscLive Network, formerly known as Abbey Road Live US, is a new RockHouse Brand, and is the continuing pioneer in the market of live discs and media offered to fans immediately after a concert, with almost a decade of experience in the space. Therefore, a lot what you read about in these pages transipired over the course of a few different names, but just one team; a team which continues to believe in the evolution of this unique and compelling service. DiscLive Network is not affiliated with EMI or Abbey Road Studios.

Proprietary technology
DiscLive Network has developed and refined technology and processes that enables the mass-production of CDs, DVDs, USBs, and other forms of digital media within minutes of the end of a concert or event. We utilize custom mobile mastering and manufacturing facilities that implement this technology and can make over 1000 units available in just 20 minutes, with the first 200 units being available less than 8 minutes after the last note has been recorded.

DiscLive Network offers a service to artists, labels and other interested parties where we:

  • At client's request, either take a sound board feed, or a multitrack split and mix it with ambient microphones to create a professionally mastered recording of the concert.
  • Manufacture the agreed upon number of units immediately following each show.
  • Take customer orders prior, during and after concert and fulfill those orders at the venue after the concert or by home-shipment depending on the directions of the client and consumer demand.
  • Handle all related back-end technical, operational and accounting matters, such as POS, web-order systems, fulfillment, mechanical licensing, sales taxes, etc.

DiscLive Network takes pride in high-quality limited edition, and specialized media products. Our hard copy product offerings, such as CDs, are usually individually numbered, which makes each unit an immediate collectible. We prefer packaging the product in superior designes such as DigiPak™ covers, which are pre-printed with custom designs authorized or designed by the artist/label. We believe that this model is the most valuable proposition in the long run.

In addition, our clients can use our product as a highly targeted marketing mechanism, including DVDs featuring artist videos, pre-recorded content and other information. In fact, we can work with brand partners to increase overall revenue.

Business Model
DiscLive Network is a service provider to the client. We have a variety of options we can explore, all which result in found money for the client. Most options do not require the artist/label to cover any up-front costs - and the artist/label always retains ownership of the masters.

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